The Mental Health Summit is a signature event of OmahaCARES Mentoring Movement. The event is a one-day mental health conference with a theme of "Mental Health Across the Lifespan" focusing on mental health from "cradle to grave" with workshop topics relative to infancy/childhood, adolescent, and adulthood. The conference is typically held on Friday of the first full week in May of each year, and each year attendance has increased. The Mental Health Summit is a collaborative effort between OmahaCARES Mentoring Movement and the Omaha Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. OmahaCARES and OAC are poised to serve the Omaha community in many new ways to advocate on behalf of Black women and girls in the areas of health, education, economic empowerment and leadership development. The Reverend Dr. Jessiline Anderson is the chairperson of this committee.